Archive | August 2010

Reasons Why You Love Your Sweet Heart

I can be myself when I am with you.
Your idea of romance is dim lights, soft music, and just the two of us.
Because you make me feel like, like, like I have never felt before.
I can tell you anything, and you won’t be shocked.
Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive .

You and me together, we can make magic.
We’re a perfect match.
Thinking of you, fills me with a wonderful feeling.
Your love gives me the feeling, that the best is still ahead.
You never give up on me, and that’s what keeps me going.

You are simply irresistible.
I love you because you bring the best out of me.
Your terrific sense of humor.
Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.
You’re the one who holds the key to my heart.

You always say what I need to hear (You are perfect).
You have taught me the true meaning of love.
Love is, what you mean to me and you mean everything.
You are my theme for a dream.
I have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.

When I look into your eyes, I can see your heart.
Your love for me is a natural antidepressant.
I love to hear your voice.
Your love has helped me to rediscover myself.
Your love is an effective antidote to despair.

I love to wake up with you by my side…It makes my days better.
You always make me feel that you are by my side no matter what.
I love that feeling of being secure when you wrap your arms around me.
I love the way you keep your cool when I do something stupid.
Just being with you feels like I can defy the whole world.

You mean the world to me.
I like your small gestures that speak volumes about how much you care.
I love the way you treasure the gifts that I gave you.
I love the way you patch up with me after a tumultuous fight.
And, ofcourse, your intelligence, ’cause you were smart enough to fall in love with me.

What I look for in a girl?

Contrary to popular assumptions, not all men are after sex when they are out approaching girls to build a relationship. In-fact for many men, physical intimacy is a very small part of a relationship. Just like the woman, we are looking for a partner with whom we can share our lives with, give birth to children and bring them up into good human beings.

Women today are highly mislead by mass media and think that all men care about is how they look. They spend a whole lot of money and time on fashion and make-up crazing for that zero size figure. What they forget is that the man of their dreams is not looking for any of this external beauty. He is more bothered about what lies inside.

When people fall in love, when they get attracted to each other, it is the soul that generates the attraction and not the body itself. This is why we feel attraction only towards some people and not to all. In a room full of women, a man will find himself getting attracted to only one girl. He will not find real attraction towards all girls in the room. That would be unnatural.

So girls, just chill! Don’t worry if you do not have a size zero. Don’t waste time thinking that you do not look as good as the other girls. Just look for that special someone and you will find him.

The Reasons I Love You

I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when I’m around you I can be myself and not worry
about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.
I love being able to wake up with you by my side… It makes my days
At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, and
feeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand… reality hits that you
are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like
there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the
love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my family and friend, no matter how much
you dislike them, or who they are.
And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand
times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.

But the main reason I love you is because…..

You are you!

Does Love Need Reason?

Does Love need a Reason……?

Once a lady when having a conversation with her lover, asked:

Lady : Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?

Man : I can t tell the reason.. but I really like you..

Lady : You can t even tell me the reason… how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?

Man : I really don t know the reason, but I can prove that I loveU.

Lady : Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend’s boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!

Man : Ok..ok!!! Erm… because you are beautiful,

because your voice is sweet,

because you are caring,

because you are loving,

because you are thoughtful,

because of your smile,

because of your every movements.

The lady felt very satisfied with the man s answer.

Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident
and went in comma.

The Guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the


Because of your sweet voice that I love you…

Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your care and concern that I like you..

Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your smile,

because of your every movements that I love you..

Now can you smile? Now can you move?

No, therefore I cannot love you…

If love needs a reason, like now,

There is no reason for me to love you anymore.

Does love need a reason? NO!

Therefore, I still love you…

101 reasons why I Love You

1. I can be myself when I’m with you.
2. You fill up my senses, like the mountains in spring time.
3. You love me even with all my faults.
4. You are so beautiful to me.
5. I don’t have to vacuum before you come over.

6. You’re never boring.
7. Even when I’m grumpy, you still like me.
8. You let me give you a detailed description of how I spent my day.
9. Your idea of romance is dim lights, soft music, and just the two of us.
10. We both know that together we can work out anything.

11. You never make fun of me, even when I look like a clown.
12. Because you make me feel like I’ve never felt before.
13. I can tell you anything and you won’t be shocked.
14. You never say, “Are you going to tell that story AGAIN?”
15. We can talk about everything or nothing–it’s always okay with you.

16. You’re the light in my life, you’re the inspiration.
17. When you hold me tight, everything becomes alright.
18. I love sharing rainbow walks with you.
19. You always seem to know when things aren’t going great.
20. Your undying faith is what keeps the flame of our love alive.

21. You never intimidate me.
22. You know how to bring a smile to my face.
23. You’re always on my side.
24. We can talk over the telephone for hours together even if I’ve seen you the day before.
25. You’re so dependable and trustworthy.

26. When I need to cry, you lend me a shoulder and a tissue.
27. When I’m with you, nothing else seems to matter.
28. ‘Coz a smile from you can chase away all the blues.
29. When you listen, I know you’re really listening and not just waiting for your turn to talk.
30. You and me together…we can make magic.

31. When you’re around, everything’s fun.
32. We’re a perfect match.
33. We both really can’t do without each other.
34. Thinking of you add a wonderful touch of love to my every day.
35. You’ve taught me the meaning of love and sharing. Our world is more complete because of it.

36. You understand me…even when I’m sobbing.
37. Every moment spent with you is one filled with fun.
38. Your idea of a big night out is just the two of us.
39. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.
40. With you I feel, as if in a single lifetime, I have known the joy of a thousand years.

41. You at least pretend you’re going to do what I suggest.
42. You never give up on me and that’s what keeps me going.
43. You’re as helpful as therapy, but you never charge me for it.
44. You’re simply irresistible.
45. Sometimes you call just because you’re thinking about me.

46. I can feel it, in the warmth of your touch, ’cause it touches my heart and soul.
47. For your sensitivity and support.
48. I love your smile…I really do. =)
49. Your terrific sense of humor…you know how to make me laugh.
50. I love you because you bring out the best in me.

51. You never get mad at me…even when I drive you up the wall.
52. ‘Coz you’re amazing, dazzling, and extra nice.
53. You understand if I forget something worth remembering.
54. In the story of my life, the best chapters are filled with you.
55. You always know just how to spoil me.

56. You’re a good sport even when I’m not.
57. Every heartbeat belongs to you.
58. It’s in the way you look at me and in your warm embrace.
59. Every time I look at you my heart misses a beat.
60. Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.

61. You’re the one who holds the key to my heart.
62. I like sharing crazy times with you because you add the spice to my life.
63. When we’re together, time just comes to a halt.
64. You can read my innermost thoughts.
65. Your loving gaze is enough to carry me through a long day.

66. You bring to me joy beyond measure.
67. Your idea of fun is laughing really hard and playing practical jokes.
68. You never snore while I’m talking to you.
69. Honey, you’re that someone who makes happiness happen.
70. I feel so at ease in your arms.

71. Because of you, no matter what may come tomorrow, today my life is more complete.
72. Since the day you came into my life, everything’s perfect.
73. We share the right kind of love.
74. You always say what I need to hear.
75. All I need to do is look at you and….

76. You’re cool–no matter what the time, no matter what the place.
77. All the little things you do make such a big difference in my life.
78. I want to stay forever with you.
79. I can see my dreams come true in the ocean of your eyes.
80. You’ve taught me the meaning of love.

81. The softness of your voice is like satin on my soul.
82. You’re so cuddlesome.
83. I love all the ways you give.
84. I just can’t imagine being me without you.
85. You’re my anchor in life’s ocean and most of all, you’re my best friend.

86. You’re always on my mind. I just can’t do without you.
87. Just a touch…and I lose my heart all over again.
88. You’ve seen me at my worst and you still love me.
89. You’re so magnetic…I just keep coming back to you.
90. Love is what you mean to me…and you mean everything.

91. You are my theme for a dream.
92. You’re someone I can be goofy with.
93. I enjoy being with you.
94. You’d give up your favorite pastime to be with me.
95. I can ask you a dumb question without feeling dumb.

96. Whenever I need it most you’re there with your all-purpose hugs.
97. You excite me, delight me, ignite me.
98. You know all my secrets…and keep them.
99. You’re too hot to handle.
100. I’ve had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.

101. There are endless reasons why I love you but the most important is…darling, knowing you is loving you.

The Hidden Lives of Men

Why do men fall out of love? It’s rarely a simple issue of attraction, sex, or money trouble. In this provocative no-holds-barred guide, Michael French brings unparalleled insight into the male psyche and reveals why so many men feel trapped, unhappy, or unfulfilled, and what women can do about it.

Based on interviews with men from all ages and walks of life this grippingly honest book illustrates why, when it comes to relationships, so many men feel “outgunned and outmatched” by women. Discover:

  • The 4 relationship busters that lead couples to flounder and sink – the loss of intimacy / the quest for validation / the perfection impulse / the fading of attraction – and strategies for dealing with them head-on
  • Six key reasons why men fall out of love – from issues of identity, power, and fear to stereotypes about who they really are and what they want
  • The truth about men and (mis)communication – and ways for them to open up
  • Three questions a woman needs to ask a man before she becomes emotionally involved
  • The Relationship Audit – how couples can figure out what is driving them apart and find ways to mend their relationship

By finally bringing men’s true feelings to the surface, Michael French offers a dramatic new approach to understanding men and their hidden emotions. This guide illuminates the deeper reasons why men fall out of love and, more important, shows how relationships can be healed.


Will I ever be happy in love?

In Sex, Love, and Dharma, Arthur Jeon answers these and other common questions like “Why do I always fall for the wrong person?” “How can I stop sabotaging my relationships?” and “What’s the secret to a passionate sex life?” with compassion, humor, and honesty. Drawing on the teachings of the dharma, Jeon provides a fresh way of looking at relationships that doesn’t rely on someday finding “the one.” Instead, we learn to embrace the opportunities to love in the here and now, no matter what the circumstances.

Applying the timeless wisdom of the dharma to the joy, challenges, and heartache of contemporary romance, Sex, Love, and Dharma offers a better way to be in love and will help you achieve the true love you always imagined was possible.

Here’s Looking at You, Kid
Get over your Self and simply love.
Drop yourself and love.
You are your Partner
Your Lover is You
You are your Lover

— Anonymous

We all search for love. We want it. We think it will make us whole. We think that we can finally be happy if we can find the love we desire.

We all make the mistake of looking outside of ourselves for that love, looking for somebody who will fulfill our every need and fantasy. We seek that external love and then completely forget to express love in our daily interactions.

Spiritually speaking, we get confused between the false love of the ego, which flows from a mindset of scarcity and need, and the love that comes from knowing one is part of the Divine in the universe and thus can never be empty of Love, because love is what we are. We are looking at it all the time.

Sounds good, you might be saying, but what the heck does that mean?

There is an old parable about a young bird that has just learned how to fly. The bird swoops and swirls and spins and flies. When it gets back to its nest, it has some questions for its mother.

“Mother, what’s this stuff called ‘air’? Everybody keeps talking about it. They say it’s everywhere, but I can’t see it anywhere.”

This is exactly the way we are when we are searching for love rather than expressing it, when we are looking for “the one” rather than being “at one” with all we encounter. Because the currency of love is available all the time, supporting everything that we do, every single moment is an opportunity to give love, tapping into the flow of it. Don’t look for it, for you are it.

There is a cashier at my local Wild Oats market who embodies this way of being. Her name is Reisha and she is a large woman, with natural warmth that slows you down, creating a hiccup in your impatience to get through the line. The other day I was waiting for her to ring me up and we were chatting. I started out in a hurry, but just being in her presence relaxed me.

“How are you today?” Reisha asked me with a welcoming smile.

“Good,” I replied. “How are you?”

“You’re looking at it.” She said, smiling, unknowingly quoting a David Mamet line from his movieHeist. Or maybe she’d seen the movie. Regardless, her response was filled with a rueful knowing about life’s ups and downs.

When the young person bagging my few items started to put the ripe peaches into the bottom of the bag, followed by heavier items, including a half-gallon of milk, Reisha gently stopped him.

“Okay now,” she said patiently, pulling the items out of the bag. “This is the way you want to do it so the peaches don’t get squished.”

“Oh . . .” The young man was embarrassed by not getting something so simple right.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine once you get the system,” Reisha said.

“Thanks,” he said.

With that, Reisha turned to me and rang up the items before turning to the woman behind me, who had been watching the whole scene impatiently. Reisha smiled at the woman.

“How are you today?”

“Fine,” said the woman. “And you?”

“You’re looking at it,” Reisha said. The woman loosened up and smiled in spite of herself.

Reisha was at it again, expressing warmth and love to one person at a time. She wasn’t asking for anything. She didn’t have anything to give except her presence. She was in a job most people would find beneath them. And yet she was expressing love, instead of searching for it.

In your life, in the smallest interactions with everybody you meet, there is an opportunity to express love. This way of being in the world changes the flow of energy between you and the rest of the world. It changes a dynamic of “not enough” into an outflow of “more than enough” – in fact, so much that here’s some for you. And the more you exercise this expression of love, the more it grows.

This is because love is a verb. If we believe that love is a noun, then we think that it can be traded, given, withheld, sought after, possessed, and lost. If, on the other hand, we know love as a verb, giving or receiving it is ultimately the same, and love is both inexhaustible and infinite. As the Persian poet Rumi said, “Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”

This is not dependent upon finding that special one person. When you feel you need somebody special in order to express love, you are ultimately weakened – you see yourself as dependent on other people as the source of love. This is a setup for disappointment and suffering. And anytime they don’t meet your needs in the time, place, or manner you desire, in your disappointment you may try to seduce, cajole, manipulate, control, attack, or even kill that person. This is just the spectrum of human response to loss. Most of the time it doesn’t escalate into violence, but often it does; we have all seen or even experienced physically or emotionally abusive relationships. The perpetrators of this violence, besides reenacting what they experienced as children, are trying to keep from losing their source of love, their “love supplier.” But what they don’t realize is that they are this source.

Right now, understand that you are the source of the love you feel, and nobody else. And the anxiety caused by the loss of that love is also yours.

In this awareness that you are love, you don’t make anybody special, you make everybody special. Express your love to the world, in a sense making everybody your soul mate. Then the question isn’t where you go to “get the love that you deserve,” because you don’t have to go anywhere or to anybody. Just simply unblock your own heart and let it flow to everybody you encounter.

Love is energy. If you hoard it, it stagnates. If you let it flow, you begin to realize its inexhaustible nature.

Love At First Sight

Love at First Sight. Perhaps, it is the most romantic thing that can happen to anyone. It makes people lose their heart and mind within a matter of several seconds. Love is a very strong emotion which, sometimes, is even impossible to control. Love at first sight can happen anywhere, anytime – in a subway, while walking on a street, or seeing a beautiful face from across the room …

People who haven’t experienced love at first sight themselves, probably don’t believe that it can be real. There are many skeptics who say it is just passion or lust that attract people to each other, and refuse to believe that one can really fall in love with another person at the first moment their eyes meet.

And do you believe in love at first sight? Some scientists after studying human brain activity noted that it is quiet possible, but everyone is free to believe or not to believe. There are people who really experienced this wonderful moment. They say that as soon they have raised their head and met those eyes, they instantly knew that they were looking at the person of their dreams.

Psychologists say that love at first sight depends on our psychological state at the very moment. Sometimes we will not even notice those charming eyes, and other times they can deeply impress us. Also they say we need approximately 30 seconds to fall in love or, to be more precise, to establish whether the person is attractive, and a potential mate. By the way psychologists claim that men fall in love first.

“The study gets at the basic perceptual aspects in mating,” said psychologist Jon Maner of Florida State University, who decided to find out how people react on strangers they have never met before. “It shows how quickly, strongly and automatically people are attuned to physical attractiveness whether looking for mates or guarding their mates from potential rivals,” he added in an interview.

In the study university students were shown pictures of very attractive or average-looking people for just one minute, and after that they were asked to look at other things. The reaction time of the participants was measured, after what the psychologists were able to determine that half a minute was enough for students to decide if someone is attractive. The researchers also noticed that people fixated on attractive faces for half a minute longer after the one minute time limit.

“These are the kind of people we might prefer as romantic partners, but it doesn’t mean we’d be able to have a relationship with them because highly-attractive people are very sought after,” said Maner.

A lot of factors play role in the situation of falling in love from the first sight. When you fall in love at the first sight you are usually ready and willing to do so. There is less chance that it will occur when you are tired, depressed or your head is exploding with problems. The main part in falling in love is given to the physical appearance, voice, gestures and smell. One person intuitively searches in the other the qualities and the features he likes and enjoys the best. It is a known fact, that beautiful people attract attention the most, but sometimes it is wrong to fall in love with them right away, because those people are most probably spoiled by attention from others as well, and, therefore, might not even notice you, or simply leave without attention.

So how is it possible to understand if what happened to you is love at first sight?

1. First of all, try to understand what is the first thing that got into your mind when you saw a person. If the first thought is physical, then it probably is not love. But if you are excited and overwhelmed by a desire to get to know the person better and take things slowly so they work out for you, then it might be a good sign for a deeper relationship.

2. A person’s attractive physical qualities are something that anyone can see and appreciate, but when you really fall in love with someone, it means that you will not appreciate and notice only his/her physical appearance, but also will notice other qualities that no one else can see. If you are able to notice such features, but your friends, for example, are not, then it is another good sign that you might be falling in love.

3. Falling in love with someone means wanting to know everything about that person, from their likes and dislikes to their life experiences. Just have patience to learn about them slowly, be understanding and supportive, and at the end, everything will work out for you in a best way.

Still, the cases when people really had fallen in love from the first sight and lived a long and happy life after are very rare. People may dream of a beautiful stranger that waits for them just around the corner, and sometimes it takes patience and time to find a real love. People must understand that this kind of things do happen, but not as often as they would like them to. And if out of nowhere you just suddenly start feeling the growing wings behind your back, still try to keep your feet on the ground because if it is really a deep and true feeling, nothing will ever happen to it, but if it is just your illusions that you accept and see as a reality, then disappointment from falling back on the ground can be very, very painful.

Romantic Love Can Last Forever

Romance does not necessarily have to fade away in the long-term relationships and transform into a friendship-type love, according to a new study. Romantic love can last a lifetime and lead to even happier, stronger and healthier relationships.

The study’s lead researcher, Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, said that many people identify romantic love as passionate love, which, in her opinion, is not true. The scientist explained that romantic love has the same intensity, involvement and sexual chemistry, that has the passionate love, with the exception of an obsession. Obsessive love is always accompanied by feelings such as anxiety and uncertainty, and never survives for a long time.

To come up with this conclusion, Dr. Acevedo and co-author Arthur Aron, PhD, analyzed 25 studies with more than 6,000 individuals that were engaged in the short-term and long-term relationships. The researchers planned to figure out if romantic love was associated with more satisfaction in a relationship. In several studies, the relationships were classified as romantic, passionate/obsessive, or friendship-like love, and categorized as the short- or long-term.

The first study involved 17 short-term relationships of single, dating or married college students with the ages between 18 and 23, whose relationships lasted less than 4 years. The second study analyzed 10 long-term relationships of middle-aged couples, with the marriage experience of 10 years or more. And, finally, two other studies included both the long- and short-term relationships in which it was pretty much possible to distinguish the two samples.

The results revealed that those individuals who said that they had a great romantic love, were much more satisfied in both the short- and long-term relationships. Participants from both the short- and long-term relationships, who reported that their love was mostly based on friendship, only moderately associated their relationship with complete satisfaction, and those who reported passionate love in their relationships, were more likely to be satisfied for the short period of time, rather than the long term. Also, couples who expressed the most satisfaction with their partner, turned out to be much happier and had higher self-esteem.

According to Dr. Acevedo, when partners feel and know that they are there for each other, it always creates a strong bond between them, and leads to a good relationship, which, in turn, contributes to stronger feelings of romantic love. On the contrary, when people start feeling insecure and jealous, they start also experiencing less satisfaction, which in many cases leads to misunderstandings and conflicts in the relationships. All this can point to the signs of an obsessive love, she said.

This new findings may change people’s perceptions and expectations of what they really want in long-term relationships. The scientists wrote that companionship, or friendship-type love, which is what people usually see and expect as the natural transformation of any happy relationship, may be an unnecessary compromise. Partners should fight for their love with all the possible means, Acevedo said. And couples who have been together for many years and wish to rekindle their romantic feelings, should remember that this is an attainable goal that, like most good things in life, requires patience, energy and devotion, she concluded.

The new findings are reported in the latest issue of the journal Review of General Psychology, which is published by the American Psychological Association.